Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Maytime Luncheon and Container Gardening

Delta Pi Delta members gathered for their final meeting of the season at Worthington Country Club in Bonita Springs, Florida. Our hostess was our new Co-President, Shirley Blake. The speaker for the day was Carolyn Miller, and her presentation was on “Container Gardening.” Carolyn has an extensive background in horticulture. Her Bachelor’s degree was in botany at Michigan State, and she has had horticultural experience in Hawaii and Idaho, at the Naples Botanical Garden and currently with the city of Naples. Container Gardening is very popular in Florida, and Carolyn was informative and enthusiastic about this kind of gardening. She brought along examples of containers and a variety of plants that can be used in the containers. Carolyn discussed how to design an arrangement of flowers in a container, how to prepare the soil and care for the plants, where to place the container, and which plants to use to create various effects in the container. Carolyn also demonstrated how to go about actually arranging plants in the container.

In honor of Mother’s Day, Ann Farrall, Shirley’s Co-President, recited an insightful and meaningful poem, “What Every Woman Should Have and Know.”

The meeting ended with a Moment of Silence for our recently departed Alpha Chi sister, Betty Schudel. Betty had been a longstanding member of Delta Pi Delta, who contributed generously to our group with her time, wisdom, ability and joyfulness.

The entrance to Worthington Country Club

Sandi, Sandy, Pat, Nancy, Carolyn and Rosemary
At the entrance to Worthington Country Club

Scottie, Donna and Mary

Allison and Doris

Sandi, Sandy, Linda and Guest Speaker Carolyn

Carolyn, Rosemary and Scottie

Anne and Jean

Edna and Phyllis

Dee, Doris, Carolyn, Rosemary, Jean and Denny

Brenda and Hostess Shirley

Jane and Carolyn

Ann Farrall

Guest Speaker Carolyn Miller

Containers and plants for demo

Carolyn planting container

Herbs can be planted in containers, too.

Carolyn and container gardens

May Birthday Girls Dee and Anne

Betty Schudel
In Memoriam  - April 19, 2012