Sunday, January 11, 2015

A New Year begins for Delta Pi Delta

The venue for the first Delta Pi Delta Luncheon of the new year was Windstar Country Club in Naples, Florida, on January 10, 2015. The featured speaker was Shannon Holland, a certified financial planner. Shannon introduced us to the phrase, “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations,” an expression that describes failure in the successful transfer of wealth from generation to generation; that is, the older generation works hard and amasses wealth, the second generation enjoys the wealth and fails to increase it, the third generation has no experience of work and consumes the fortune, and the fourth generation ends up with nothing and has to go back to work.  Shannon gave reasons why the transfer of wealth to inheritors often results in failure and described strategies to transfer wealth to inheritors successfully.

Windstar Country Club on Naples Bay

Approaching Windstar Country Club   

Our Alpha Chi welcome sign 

Rosemary on the way up to our dining room

Sasha, Brenda, Phyllis, Kerry, Kim and Brenda

Phyllis and Nancy

Susan and Shirley

Donna, Treasurer, and Shirley and Ann, co-presidents, preside at a meeting before lunch.

Linda and Jean

Beverly and Sandy


Rosemary and Amy, hostess for this meeting

Our presenter, Shannon Holland, a Raymond James financial adviser in Naples, Florida

Pat, president of  Naples Panhellenic Association

Sallie and Becky


Scottie and Teddy



Ruth, Mary and Mary Ellen 

Ruth was an AX, Delta Epsilon Chapter, at SE Missouri State.

Our lovely centerpiece of fresh flowers

Our entrée was sautéed Chicken Française with artichoke, sun-dried tomatoes and dollops of goat cheese served with herbed orzo and julienned vegetables.

Our server was Bette, who explained the ingredients of the entrée and also served dessert. 
Bette  went above and beyond her duties as a server to help us out. 

Dessert was Grand Marnier cheesecake.

Shannon is set to begin his presentation.

Shannon during his presentation

The group during the presentation

 Amy hand-made these white chocolate favors on a stick.

Scottie and Teddy haven’t eaten theirs yet.

Kerry, Shirley and Phyllis--it’s time to say “good-bye.”