Saturday, July 25, 2015

Alpha Chi Summertime Luncheon on the Beach

On July 17, 2015, Alpha Chi summertime residents met at Marker 36 restaurant, the new name for the Sandpiper Restaurant, in the beach community of Pelican Bay, Naples, Florida. The new name refers to the restaurant’s location according to a beach marker system. To access the  restaurant, we used the parking lot on Pelican Bay Boulevard and took the tram by way of a path and boardwalk to the beach. We’ve had our summer lunch in this spot for several years now.

We received news of the colonization at Florida Gulf Coast University. Phyllis Verrone reported important dates in regard to this event: recruitment will take place at FGCU from August 12-16; bid day for existing sororities will be on August 16; AX bid day will be on September 12. AX Chapter meetings will begin on Sunday, September 13, from 1:00 - 3:30, and continue every Sunday thereafter. New members will be installed on Friday, November 6, and the banquet will be on Saturday, November 7. 

Shirley Blake gave a brief summary of Delta Pi Delta meetings for the 2015-2016 year. We will go to Marco Island in October to hear about clean, green homes and to Audrey’s Tea Room in November (hats optional but fun.) Our December luncheon will be at Imperial, where we will again hear the choral group, Lydia’s Song. In January, we will get suggestions on good health from Carol Flaherty at Windstar CC. Our fundraiser in February will be at Pelican Bay, and Hera Day in March will be at Worthington CC. In April, we will have a cooking demonstration from the chef at Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant. 

All in all, the coming year promises to be a very good one for Alpha Chis in Southwest Florida. 

Tram pick-up point

The tram and our chauffeur await us.

The tram winds around high-rises and through mangroves to reach the beach restaurant.

The entry to the restaurant with the boardwalk to the beach in the center of the photo

The beach to the right of the boardwalk

The beach to the left of the boardwalk

Donna, Shirley and Phyllis

Linda and Pat

Rosemary and Sally

Jean, Kelly (Scottie’s granddaughter) and Scottie

Teddy and Fran

Jackie and Rosemary

Scottie, Shirley and Becky

 An Alpha Chi table
The person to the left of Sandi is her sister, Sally.
Even the waiter is smiling.

An Alpha Chi table

Our group photo (Click on photo to enlarge)

Waiting for the tram to go back

Good-bye until next summer