Bougainvillea “island” on the golf course at Imperial
A closer look at the mounds of Bougainvillea in full bloom
Carol & Phyllis at the entrance to Imperial
Mary, Veronica, Carol, Ann & Margi
Amy, Johannah & Jackie
Bekky & Zarie
Whitney, Julie’s daughter, Julie & Marjie
Kathy & Pat
Carol & Pat
Carol, Linda & Sally
Judy, Shirley & Brenda
Judy with the very famous sticky buns
Rosemary, Jennee, Caroline, Johannah, Jackie, Ronda & Mary Lou
Carol, Linda & Sally
Judy, Shirley & Brenda
Judy with the very famous sticky buns
Rosemary, Jennee, Caroline, Johannah, Jackie, Ronda & Mary Lou
Lauren, Mary’s daughter, & Mary
Margi & Veronica
Teddy & Darlene
Becky, Teddy & Darlene
Carol, Phyllis & Colleen
Alice & Ann
Sandi, Carol & Phyllis
After lunch The Naples Carolers performed holiday music. Dressed in elegant Victorian costumes, the a capella vocal quartet serenaded members at each table in the dining room with a Christmas song of the members’ choice. The quartet concluded their performance with a sing-along of favorite Christmas carols.
The Naples Carolers
The Naples Carolers
The other half of the Naples Carolers quartet
This was a very special day for Alice Jacobs, who has reached her seventy-five year anniversary milestone. Alpha Chi Omega honors its 75-year members by giving them their pin as a gift from the Fraternity. Each milestone has a corresponding ceremony. Past National President of Alpha Chi Omega, Judy Anderson, conducted the ceremony, and Donna presented Alice with her seventy-five year pin and a bouquet of red carnations, our official flower.
Seventy-five year member, Alice Jacobs