Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas with Alpha Chi Omega at Imperial Golf Club

Members of Delta Pi Delta Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega met for a Christmas celebration at Imperial Golf Club in Naples, Florida, on December 8, 2018. Hostess Donna Porter provided a beautiful luncheon and included on the menu sticky buns, our perennial favorite at Imperial. We loved them, as usual. As Christmas gifts, members brought personal items and gift cards for women and children in shelters in Hendry, Lee and Collier Counties.

Bougainvillea “island” on the golf course at Imperial

A closer look at the mounds of Bougainvillea in full bloom 

Carol & Phyllis at the entrance to Imperial

Mary, Veronica, Carol, Ann & Margi

Amy, Johannah & Jackie

Bekky & Zarie

Whitney, Julie’s daughter, Julie & Marjie

Kathy & Pat

Valary, Alice, Margi & Donna

Carol & Pat

Carol, Linda & Sally

Judy, Shirley & Brenda

Judy with the very famous sticky buns

Rosemary, Jennee, Caroline, Johannah, Jackie, Ronda & Mary Lou

Lauren, Mary’s daughter, & Mary

Margi & Veronica

Teddy & Darlene


Becky, Teddy & Darlene

Carol, Phyllis & Colleen

Alice & Ann

Sandi, Carol & Phyllis

After lunch The Naples Carolers performed holiday music. Dressed in elegant Victorian costumes, the a capella vocal quartet serenaded members at each table in the dining room with a Christmas song of  the members’ choice. The quartet concluded their performance with a sing-along of favorite Christmas carols.

The Naples Carolers

The Naples Carolers

Half of the Naples Carolers quartet

The other half of the Naples Carolers quartet 

This was a very special day for Alice Jacobs, who has reached her seventy-five year anniversary milestone. Alpha Chi Omega honors its 75-year members by giving them their pin as a gift from the Fraternity.  Each milestone has a corresponding ceremony. Past National President of Alpha Chi Omega, Judy Anderson, conducted the ceremony, and Donna presented Alice with her seventy-five year pin and a bouquet of red carnations, our official flower.

Seventy-five year member, Alice Jacobs

Mary, Lauren, Margi and Judy leave Imperial laden down with all of the Christmas gifts Delta Pi Delta members brought for the women and children in area shelters.

Traditional Delta Pi Delta Christmas photo, December 8, 2018