Monday, March 11, 2013

Delta Pi Delta Members Celebrate Hera Day, 2013

On March 9, 2013, members of Delta Pi Delta Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity celebrated Hera Day, a special day for Alpha Chis because it celebrates the altruistic tradition that has guided its members ever since the founding of the sorority in 1885. Shirley Blake was our hostess at Worthington Country Club in Bonita Springs, Florida. On this special day, there were numerous Alpha Chi items, including tote bags, pillows, tee-shirts, and lyre pins raffled off to members.

In the name of our patron goddess, Hera, members of the alumnae chapter who have contributed to the welfare of others are honored with a red carnation. This year, Delta Pi Delta members have amassed over 6,000 volunteer hours. Also honored were the callers who remind and inform our members about an upcoming meeting. The installation of three officers for 2013-2015 took place. The officers are: Jean Knight, Vice-President in charge of membership; Phyllis Leahy, Recording Secretary; and Donna Porter, who continues to be our Treasurer. Five members received their 50-year pins: they were Sharon Hyland, Susan Riley, Mary Herndon, Amy Pettit and Teddy Busse.

As a very special gift to members on this day was “Hera’s Florida Kitchen,” a recipe book assembled from favorite recipes contributed by Delta Pi Delta members. The meeting on this day closed with the recitation by members of the “Rededication Bond,” and the “Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega,” as a reminder of the spirit of Alpha Chi Omega and in celebration of thirty-nine years of sisterhood in Southwest Florida.

Before we adjourned our meeting, we reflected a moment on the memory of Phyllis Walter. Phyllis was a longstanding and well-loved member of Delta Pi Delta. She passed away on February 9, 2013. We cherish her memory.

Entry to Worthington Country Club
The porte-cochère and tropical landscaping at the entrance to Worthington
The fountain in front of the entrance to Worthington
Phyllis and Jean

Allison with a box of goodies
Susan, Phyllis and Amy

Barbara, Ann and Marjorie
Rosemary is selling tickets for the raffle of Alpha Chi items.

A few of the Alpha Chi items to be raffled off
Betty is placing her raffle tickets carefully.
Darlene and Scottie
Mary, Rosemary and Linda
Helen, Pat and Brenda place their raffle tickets.
Ann’s raffle prize
Sharon’s raffle prize. Brenda’s recipe book is a winner, too.

Mary and Sandi


Carol, Mary and Becky

Diane, Brenda and hostess Shirley

Donna and Ann
Phyllis and Edna
Valary, Alice and Jean
Nancy, Betty and Sue
Denny, Dee, Teddy and Carolyn

Helen is having a confidential conversation with Mary.

Amy, Susan, Carolyn, Sandy, Sandi, Marjorie and Barbara
stand to sing the Alpha Chi Grace Before Meals

Scottie, Darlene (recipe book in hand), Teddy, Denny and Dee are ready for lunch.

Sandy and lots of flowers in appreciation of members’ contributions

Carnations for deserving members

All of the callers have received a carnation.

Officers Donna, Phyllis and Jean have taken their oath of office.

Donna is bestowing a fifty-year pin on Sharon

Sharon, Susan, Amy, Mary and Teddy have received their fifty-year pins.

Rosemary, Helen, Esther, Allison and Amy on the way home after the luncheon

Phyllis Walter

In Memoriam - February 9, 2013




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